Similar words: cotton, cottony, cotton gin, cotton belt, gluttonous, next to nothing, monotonously, monotonous. Meaning: v. understand, usually after some initial difficulty.

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1. It took me a while to cotton on.
2. She cottons on very quickly.
3. She had already cottoned on to the fact that the nanny was not all she appeared.
4. At last I cottoned on to what he meant.
5. I suddenly cottoned on to what he was doing.
6. Sarah soon cottoned on to what he was trying to do.
7. I'd only just cottoned on to the fact that they were having a relationship.
8. It took him a while to cotton on to what I was trying to say.
9. It wasn't until he started laughing that they cottoned on!
10. Large stores have at last cottoned on to the fact that mothers with pushchairs can't cope with stairs.
11. It took him a while to cotton on to what was happening.
12. The quilt was piped with cotton on the edge.
13. This district cotton on a large scale.
14. He seems to cotton on quickly.
15. It took her some time to cotton on to what he meant.
16. English: 46 . This district grew cotton on a large scale.
17. Most of southern Yeomen began to plant cotton on small scale and particulated in the local market exchange.
18. This paper mainly studies effects of stick cotton on productivity, decollation and quality during the spinning processes,([] and try to solve corresponding problems.
19. This district used to grow cotton on a large scale.
20. Shanghai . Beggars attack a bale of cotton on docks along the Bund bankstheir prosperous trades.
21. I didn't cotton on your last point, could you explain it again?
22. I didn't cotton on ( to what he meant ).
23. The effect of cotton on the type of sound - absorbing material than leather.
24. Hundreds of thousands of peasants still plant and pick cotton on collective farms but no one pays their salaries anymore.
25. First time I ever realized that was while chopping cotton on a farm.
More similar words: cotton, cottony, cotton gin, cotton belt, gluttonous, next to nothing, monotonously, monotonous, scott, cottage, scottie, boycott, ricotta, scottish, dred scott, terracotta, terra cotta, terra-cotta, motto, lotto, bottom, grotto, not too bad, risotto, cottage cheese, cottage industry, bottom out, hot topic, Bottoms up, at bottom.